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Caneel Bay Beach Club Set to Open at Honeymoon

Honeymoon Beach – The view from the soon-to-open Caneel Bay Beach Club.

You know that I love to share a good tidbit with you, and today I have a couple of interesting morsels!

I was walking down to Honeymoon Beach yesterday when I noticed some work happening at the former concessions area that closed back in January. Being the curious gal I am, I walked over and asked a few questions. And here’s the scoop!

The Caneel Bay Beach Club is preparing to open at Honeymoon beach, and it sounds pretty nice. It will be a more upscale operation than in years past, they said, and it will be open daily from sun up to sun down.

The Caneel Bay Beach Club will offer cabana and chair rentals, as well as food and beverage, which will be provided by one of our favorites here on St. John. (More to come on that soon!) Restrooms and showers will be available to guests, and there will be a gift shop onsite that will sell towels, beachwear and other items needed for a perfect day on the beach.

Screenshot from Caneel Bay Beach Club’s website
The former food hut has been repainted
The gift shop
Plantings look great!
An additional building sits at the far end of the beach.

Transportation to Honeymoon Beach will return, and will include a shuttle from Caneel Bay’s main entrance to Honeymoon. That cost will be $10 roundtrip. They also plan to offer water shuttle service from Cruz Bay, as well as villa pickups. I will provide more details on those services, including the water shuttle schedule, when its becomes available.

If all goes as planned, the Caneel Bay Beach Club is set to open around November 1st.

(Clarification: Caneel Bay is not running the concessions area: it simply leased the space to the new Caneel Bay Beach Club concessionaire.)

Want to know exactly where the Caneel Bay Beach Club will be located? I just added its location to our restaurant map. Visit to check it out.


  1. Tim

    Hopefully the NPS stays on top of them and doesn’t let them run it like the last operator. As happy as I am to see the NPS doing something with the location, with the way the Caneel operators and handling the resort, I have some doubts

  2. Melissa

    Yea do we need to build on all the beaches. Maho is getting out of hand and no they going to let people back on honeymoon…..stop commercializing our beaches.

  3. Brian McLernan

    In the 1970s, I worked for Sapphire Bay Watersports. I sailed a motorless Pearson 26 from Sapphire to Honeymoon, where I anchored and taught my passengers to snorkel. Most of the time, we were the only folks there. I am sorry to see the commercialization of this lovely beach

  4. Charles Moniotte

    i am excited to hear about the services to reopen on the beach. I found my favorite time at Honeymoon was early in the AM before the crowds would arrive. I would stay until around 1:00 PM when I would ride the water taxi back and hit the Bars for the afternoon!!!!!! I can’t wait.

    • Island Tidbits

      I’m happy about it too. The area has been cleaned up quite a bit, which was nice to see. It sounds like it is going to be a nice spot. Whether you like the operators of Caneel or not, they have that space through next September, so they are free to lease it to whoever they’d like. 🙂

  5. Patty Miller

    So is this part of “Caneel Resort” have they settled to reopen? Would love a write up on this with info on what is going to happen with the resort that currently just sits this in disarray.

    • Jenn Manes

      Unfortunately there really isn’t any news coming out of Caneel at the moment. They simply leased the space at Honeymoon to the person opening Caneel Bay Beach Club. I will definitely post an update when I have one. 🙂

  6. Pingback:On the Trail: Lind Point to Honeymoon Beach - Island Tidbits

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